Sunday, June 15, 2008

Start of Week 4

Its the Sunday before week 4.
Everythings been goin pretty well.
I've been able to throw together some Hamburger Helper and I've been eating the leftovers for the last few nights. And I've got a bunch of Hot Pockets and such to last me a bit.
This past week I've finally been able to start working on some cards. They've all been what they call 'New Art,' basically new cards that haven't already been on the shelves. Its been fun actually getting to do work that will matter. I've had two of them come back from reviews for corrections, but they've all dealt with capitalizing a letter here and there, or putting a comma in somewhere. Another had to do with making the background on a picture of some puppies more pink than it already was. And I've also learned why cards are the way that they are sometimes. Like when it seems like a whole sheet of paper has been folded up and pasted on the inside of a card, it all has to do with perceived value. One of the cards I've had to do is like that. It was a z-fold (kind of like an accordion) but the first two pages are going ot be pasted together, so the front of the card will be thicker. So in the end, it will come out being like a horizontal single fold card. Then its got hot stamp on it too. Hot stamp is the shiny foil stuff. Crystaline is the glittery stuff, and flocking is the felt-ish kinda material.
On Friday night, Chris and I went out to the Executive Director of Creative Service for a poker night with a bunch of people from the Creative Department. Twas fun, but I did leave with $9 less than when I got there. But we got free pizza. It was great seeing some of the people I work with in a more laid back, casual setting.
Tomorrow we've been invited to a breakfast thingy with CEO for AG. Should be interesting.
In the course of writing this entry, I've seen Turkey beat The Czech Republic 3-2 and then USA scored in the first minute of their World Cup Qualifying game against Barbados.
And now I'm hungry.
More later.

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